On the 16th November YNM gave birth to a surprize baby girl.
She named her Magdalena after you. We call her Maggie, in honour of a wonderful soul that we lost and forever wish to have here with us. YOU!
Well, I decided to take dear Maggie home yesterday and it was suggested i go to Kwa Mashu Mall as that was the safest... I was a bit alarmed, like couldnt i go to ethekwini hospital and UBER them????? WTF.....
KWA MASHU MALL!!! My life flashed before my eyes..... isnt that too dangerous for me???? I squealed!
Oh NO..... CORNE went to Kwa Mashu to drop us lots of times! YOU WHAT???
and we went on a long trip of remembering lots of precious memories about you,
well I have to say DEAR corne.... KWA MASHU ... indeeed!
They said that they told you to just drop them at the mall, as going further into the township is dangerous, I think it was a few times you took them, usually during strikes etc... ARE U CRAZY? .... sillly question... and yes it is rethoric.... in other words...
I KNOW THE ANSWER...... bhahahahahahahahaah
You Insisted on taking them all the way to the door!! Such a Corne thing to do!! Boy we enjoyed remembering your stubborn brave streak....
............................... so that led onto another Corne Tale.......
A few days ago... I was by the sinks at the office and notices a "tied up" tap...
I asked .... whats this??? someone vaguely repled...
and I didnt take much notice!
In the car, while enjoying the tranquil sights of Kwa Mashu.....
I was told, that in the final weeks of your life, at the time when you were so very weak and should not have even comtemplated coming to work,
in the few days prior to your first major hospitalisation, when you were resusitated on arrival even the doctors werent sure that you would make it.........
(( I actually cannot put into words for anyone reading this, how gravely ill you were!))
Did I mention... you were at work?? and did I say stubborn and crazy!!
You happenned apon a leaking tap, and you HAD to fix it!
Even though you could barely stand, walk 3 steps without needing to take a break and needed help getting a cup of tea to your lips.... but....
it was a leaky tap!! A Corne Emergency!! it could not wait for the 10 maintenance guys who also work with us.... that would take 10 minutes!! NO, this was yours, you were not getting ANY help....
But you did fix the tap! WITH A CABLE TIE!! and then made an announcement:
NO-one was ever to touch the tap or your cable tie,
by order of management (of course)... Advocate C. Ludick, until further notice...
UM... we never will! I think we will put flowers on your cable tie
...and a sign above it...
a memory tie... dedicated to a brave lady who will always be in our hearts!
Hope you smiling and laughing up there...Dance forever with the Angels.