One white feather

2017 May 18

Created by Site Guardian 7 years ago

Fifty yards on and forty feet high
A little white feather appeared in the sky
Yet walking with thousands it came down to meet
Little old me as I walked down the street.

Was it an angel dressed in disguise? 
No. This was my friend to my little eyes
And probably thinking, that was quite cool
Yes, that was my best friend, playing the fool.
Always around me taking good care

And I know in my heart, my friend's always there
So when a white feather falls, someone's letting you know
That they're with you forever and just saying hello.
That's the friendship of angels, they won't let you down
Friends are forever and the best stay around
They're your shadow in sunlight, the wind in the trees
They're your voice in an echo through a light summer breeze
They're the heart of the sunrise, the blue moon as it sets
A white feather or angel, they never forget. 

Paul Colvin. 

