A Letter to you

2017 March 01

Created by Site Guardian 7 years ago
“Grief turns out to be a place none of us know until we reach it.”

Until we lost you, I didn’t realize how profound death is, how permanent and how unrelenting. There is no chance to say that one thing you really want to tell her today. No one to receive the text message saying, “Incidentally I think I see another wrinkle”.  There is not another chance to have a drink together. No chance to ask her, what to do about something you always spoke to her about?
Death is unrelenting.

You don’t get that you will literally reel in shock for months. You don’t realize that you’ll find yourself reading old messages all the time and trying to keep her memory alive and working on a legacy, like a crazy person to ease your grief.

I never knew how profoundly your death would affect me and the people around me, And how much we would change because of it and what is the best way to convey what you really meant to us.

You know how they say that everyone enters your life for a reason?
I have always believed that to be true.
I have met some of the most amazing people who will have a lasting impact on my life. Each person has contributed to who I am in some way, shape, or form, and for that I am grateful.

There are certain people, though — the ones who have a very special place in your heart. The ones you will never forget and can’t be thankful enough for crossing your path.

I wish I had been able to say goodbye to you. I wish that things had ended different.
I just hope with every fiber of my being, that you never felt a thing and I hope that you found Peace.

There are times I sit and think of you and have a conversation telling you how sorry I am for not being there in the end. I hope you know that I treasured your friendship and miss the times we spent together and the endless messages.
I read them often, to remember you.

No-one would be able to forget your beautiful smile and your crazy sense of humor and the fun and jokes you used to make and how you made the whole world light up with your amazing laugh. I smile when I remember. I know anyone who loved you feels the same.

We all wish for our own moments with you, all of the ones that you should be a part of. With you away, went so much light and happiness for the many people you touched.

We loved you then and we still love you now.
For all of us left behind, it doesn’t get any easier these days, really.
Just more time passes from the last time we saw you, heard you laugh, and hugged you tightly.

We grieve for you. And I want you to know that we tell people about the wonderful person that you were and how much you meant to us.
You were the bravest person I know. Why did you have to go.

You will always be with us.
The special moments and memories we have, will always be in our heart.
We laughed, we played, we cooked, we picked flowers, we sang…..
We had fun and music and laughter.
Our lives have been enriched, because of you.

You died far too young, and with much sadness in your heart.
I can’t believe that you’re gone my friend. I can’t believe that I’ll never be able to visit you again.

I can’t believe that I’ll never be able to give you a big hug.
I’m sorry that I couldn’t help your pain.
I wonder what you were thinking as your life ended.
Did you wonder if your life mattered?

Then let me tell you that it did.
We loved you and your kindness, your laughter, your energy and your beautiful, beautiful smile.

As you were dying, did you wonder if people would remember you?
Then let me tell you that we will remember you forever and hold you close in our hearts.

It’s been nearly six months since your death...
Tears are streaming down my face as I write these words.
I hope that wherever you are, you finally have peace in your heart and in your soul and From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being my friend.
